Friday, February 29, 2008

Until the Dark

Esta cancion me ha dado vueltas ultimamente.

Lake of Sorrow from Norway, Until the Dark.

I like the lyrics...

Until the dark
I'm searching for my love
under the stars
I'm fading all apart
my heart is stolen
taken away
like they said
when I have found
as we stay there
turn the faith in love

I see you here
with me but I fear the day
for you
hear my dear
I watch the land
and the window fallen down
I feel the pain
inside of me like a cloud
no one can save me
the time will come for my death
I think of you and wish me into an another live
I see you here with me
but I fear the day for you

I see you here with me
but I fear the dead
for you hear my dear

I watch the land and the window fallen dark
I feel the pain inside of me like a cloud
no one can save me
the time will come for my death
I think of you and wish me into an another live
I see you here with me
but I fear the day for you
feel my tears

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The girl who was... The prisoner

"Who are you looking for?
What are you looking at?"
A light? "a star"
A boat? "an insect"
A plane? "a flying fish"

"I'm looking at somebody
Who belongs to my world"
"This is your world
I am your only world"

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I am not a number

I will not be pushed
Filed, stamped
Briefed, debriefed
Or numbered!

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Thursday, February 28, 2008


Hoy quiero dedicar unas pocas palabras a la bebida que me mantiene despierto durante las infinitas horas que paso frente al computador: MATE

Segun la wikipedia se denomina mate ("caaiguá" en guarani) a la infusion que tomaban los guaranies hecha de la yerba Ilex paraguayensis, la cual les daba mas resistencia en sus tareas producto de la cafeina que lo contiene.

El mate debe ser preparado con agua entre 60-90 grados, nunca en estado de ebullicion, so pena de indigestion y dolor de estomago.

Yo me hice adicto al mate cuando descubri que ya no tolero el cafe, en realidad era esa porqueria llamada nescafe (noescafe). Ademas de notar sus efectos estimulantes e ideales para poder escribir cuando el suegno a uno lo tiene por las cuerdas.

Si Don Pablo Neruda hubiese tomado este brebaje, probablemente hubiese escrito una oda al mate, pero bueno Neruda ya no esta y el mate se perdio la mejor oda que le podrian haber hecho...

Sabia Ud que... El mate frio se llama terere y corresponde al sonido onomatopeyico de la ultima chupada del mate.


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The pretty fly...

Once upon a time
There was a pretty fly
He had a pretty wife
This pretty fly
But one night
She flew away
Flew away
She had two pretty children
But one night
These two pretty children
Flew away
Flew away
Into the sky
Into the moon

Once upon a time
There was a pretty fly
He had a pretty wife
This pretty fly
But one night
She flew away
Flew away